The reason these cuties are named Comites is because of their similarities to comets! They have a very low body temperature, and when they do not have a host to eat from, they find the nearest star, cover themselves in an icy layer, and begin to orbit. This puts them in a state where they can preserve energy, while also being able to search for a new food source. These cuties are about the size of a quarter, and can be found on other creatures in the Lazy Space Universe. They feed off energy and other sources or nutrition for their little bodies. They have sharp teeth and can bite your fingers, so be careful handling them!
Comites come in very many colors, but will always have the five limbs. (Excluding special seasonal
They form a partnership with Nebula dust buddies, as the Dust Buddies tend to have their fur get overgrown, which causes discomfort and lower visibility. As long as the Comite is behaved and doesn’t overeat, it is welcome to munch all it wants on the fur of the Dust